It sued Centrocorp for patent infringement. 它诉Centrocorp公司侵犯专利权。
In a classic legal tit-for-tat, Samsung announced Friday that it had filed patent infringement suits against Apple ( AAPL) in South Korea, Japan and Germany. 这是一次典型的以牙还牙:上周五,三星(Samsung)宣布已在韩国、日本和德国对苹果(Apple)提起专利侵权诉讼。
This protects the members of the group from being sued by other members for patent infringement. 这可以保护团队成员不被其他成员因专利侵权而控告。
Google's Motorola Mobility unit started the fight in 2010 by suing Apple for patent infringement. 2010年,摩托罗拉移动(MotorolaMobility)率先开战,起诉苹果专利侵权行为。
Earlier this month, Apple received a$ 120 million judgment against Samsung for patent infringement. 本月早些时候,苹果起诉三星的专利侵权行为获胜,赢得了1.2亿美元的赔偿。
What happens if we have a patent infringement? 如果我们侵犯了专利权会怎么样?
But both are embroiled in patent infringement lawsuits with apple. 但这两家公司都被苹果(apple)以侵犯专利为由提起诉讼。
The Application of Prior Art Defense in Patent Infringement Case 公知技术抗辩在专利侵权案件中的适用
Pharmaceutical invention patents of experimental use exception as a new defense to patent infringement in our patent law, yet is lack of due security system in implementation. 医药发明专利试验例外作为我国专利法上一项新生的侵权抗辩事由,在实施中尚缺乏应有的制度保障。
A federal judge fined Medtronic$ 10 million for mounting a legal defense in a patent infringement trial "that threatened to mislead and confuse the jury," the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. 由于在专利侵权的法律应诉中“涉嫌误导和迷惑陪审团”,联邦法院决定对美敦力公司处以一千万美元的罚款,明尼阿波利斯明星论坛报报道。
HTC has lost an initial court ruling over patent infringement to Apple. HTC在一项关于专利侵权的初步法庭裁决中败给了苹果。
Patent infringement litigation between Pfizer and Ranbaxy over Lipitor will continue in Finland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark and Romania. 专利侵权诉讼之间的辉瑞和兰伯西超过立普妥将继续在芬兰,西班牙,葡萄牙,丹麦和罗马尼亚。
Filler said his lawyers unearthed only one other inverse condemnation case for alleged patent infringement. 他的律师说,出土的填料只有另外一个涉嫌专利侵权案反谴责。
A patent owner can file suit in a district court for acts of patent infringement that occur in the U.S. 专利拥有人可以将在美国发生的专利侵权行为诉至联邦地方法院。
Patent holders may have found a new way to level the playing field when it comes to suing state universities for patent infringement. 专利持有人可能已经找到了新的方式公平的竞争环境时,它涉及到专利侵权起诉州立大学。
Application of defense principle of publicly known technology in the drug patent infringement litigation 从药品专利侵权诉讼看现有技术抗辩原则的运用
This paper has an analysis and research on the scope of claim, the determination of infringement, the defense of infringement, starting from the concept of patent infringement. 本文从专利侵权的概念入手,对专利权的保护范围的确定、专利侵权的判定、专利侵权的抗辩进行了研究和分析,是对专利侵权判定理论系统化的一种尝试。
A trial will still begin next week over the remaining patent infringement allegations, reports the Associated Press. 下周仍将进行一次对于其他的专利侵权声明的审判,美联社报道。
"The point of FOSS is having a huge vendor ecosystem that can assist mid-sized companies and indemnify their customers" in case of a patent infringement lawsuit, he adds. 他还补充道,“FOSS拥有巨大供应商生态系统的状况”,使其在发生专利侵权诉讼的情况下,“能够为中等规模的公司提供协助,并补偿他们的客户”。
Understanding what to expect when either considering filing a patent infringement lawsuit or finding oneself a defendant in the same, is key to a successful and satisfactory outcome. 无论是考虑对专利侵权进行起诉还是自己作为被告应诉,对情势的准确预期都是得到成功和满意结果的关键。
When there is a patent infringement of an open source software program, the FOSS community rallies around the defendant, such as was the case when Firestar Software sued Red Hat. 一旦发生侵犯开源软件程序专利的案件,FOSS社团通常都会帮助被告,就如其在Firestar软件诉红帽案件中所做的那样。
Intellectual property rights must be protected more effectively and piracy and patent infringement must be punished in accordance with the law. 要加大知识产权保护力度,依法惩处盗版侵权行为。
Unfortunately, it appears patent infringement and suchlike is a fact of life for inventors. 不幸的是,对于发明家而言,专利侵权以及诸如此类的遭遇似乎是无法改变的事实。
In 2001, when Via had achieved 40 per cent of the global chipset market, the company was drawn into a legal battle with Intel, which accused it of patent infringement. 2001年,威盛已经占据了全球芯片组市场40%的份额,但它卷入了一场与英特尔(Intel)的官司。后者指控它侵犯自己的专利权。
Discusses on the Determination to the Compensation of Many Patent Infringement Liability in one Product 一种产品多项专利侵权案件中赔偿责任的确定
Earlier in the month, Apple had filed additional claims and MOSAID, a Canadian company, said it would also sue HTC, and Sony Ericsson, for patent infringement. 本月初,苹果还起诉HTC侵犯了自己另外几项专利,而加拿大公司MOSAID称也要起诉HTC和索尼爱立信侵犯专利。
The Application of Doctrine of Estoppel in Judgment of Patent Infringement 禁止反悔原则在专利侵权判定中的适用
No party concerned has filed a lawsuit with the court for the patent infringement dispute. 当事人没有就该专利侵权纠纷向法院起诉。
However, the party challenged with patent infringement can escape liability in a variety of ways. 然而,被质疑专利侵权的一方可以用许多方式逃避责任。
A Research on Practice of Manufacturers 'Patent Infringement Litigation& Based on the Questionnaire of Zhejiang Patent Demonstration Enterprises 制造企业专利诉讼行为的实证研究&基于浙江省专利示范企业的问卷调查